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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus!  I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed throughout the world. For God, whom I serve with my spirit by announcing the gospel of his Son, is my witness that without ceasing I remember you always in my prayers.  At St. George we long to see you so that we may share with you some spiritual gift so that you may be strengthened— or rather so that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith!


Welcome to St. George - a place where you are loved and where everyone is welcome!  Jesus has set the guiding principles of love for God and love for each other and this community is committed to this project of love.


We hope that you will join us on Sunday and during all of our many activities!  If you have any thoughts or questions, please contact us and we'll do all in our power to be helpful.


Yours in Christ,

Rev. Jon, Rector

St. George Episcopal Church


The Reverend Jon Baugh

St. George Episcopal Church


Sunday Worship Service


9:30 a.m.


Join us for our livestream of our weekly service. It is available to view all week here:

For our link to this week's Lectionary readings click here:

For Pastoral Care Emergencies


Please call the church office at (904) 251-9272.    

Please let us know of any hospitalizations, medical procedures, or illnesses for which we may offer prayers and pastoral care.

Rev. Jon's Message
January 5, 2025

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Wishing each of you a happy New Year! St. George Church had a wonderful 2024, we were blessed with several new members, restored our memorial garden area with new stones, and ended the year with a $10,000 surplus when we had anticipated a small deficit. We sent five pilgrims to Cuba, bearing gifts for all our friends there. Thousands of dollars of cash donations, as well as significant gifts of food and supplies, were allocated to the local Jacksonville community, statewide hurricane relief, and national causes through ERD.

Our attendance has grown from an average of 25 in 2022 to an average of 55 this year.  We celebrated Eucharist every Sunday in our own sanctuary, at the beach, and at our Cathedral.  Thirty-three of us attended the Messiah production in the downtown symphony hall.  We studied lessons on angels, demons, and ghosts. We endured through difficult Lenten devotions, and we celebrated Advent by studying the life of Mary and John the Baptist.

Finally, and significantly wonderful, our children’s ministry is now includes not just Sunday school, but also a “kids Sunday“ four times a year.

Thanks and praise to each and every one of you - your contributions of time, love, and financial support have made St. George truly a place of heaven on earth in our Diocese.

Blessings and love,

Rev. Jon+ 



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St. George Calendar

Click the button below to view our Saint George 

Google Calendar

The Red Doors

When you enter the sanctuary at St. George to worship or pray, you will pass through our bright red doors. Painting church doors red is a widespread tradition in Episcopal churches. The red doors of an Episcopal church have traditionally led the way to holy ground where anyone who enters is safe from both physical and spiritual harm.


We proclaim with our red doors that our church is a haven for emotional and spiritual healing, and is a place of refuge and safety, forgiveness and reconciliation -- in other words, red doors invite the passers-by into a space filled with the Holy Spirit.


The color red also evokes the blood of Jesus Christ, which protects the wayfaring soul from spiritual harm.


Jesus Christ is our refuge. The red doors at St. George remind us that our parish community too must be a refuge for all those who enter through them. In this holy place, there will be no outcasts. Our doors are open to all!



Below are descriptions of three exciting groups at St. George. The first two groups are usually held in our parish hall on certain Mondays. The Brothers Group meetings are planned for the third Thursday's of the month at different locations. If you are interested, please call the church office for information at 904-251-9272 or send an email to

What is the Life Savers Group?


If you are caring for a loved one, you are not alone, if you find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated, sad, and on and on.

The caregivers support group meets to express these feelings among others who share the same situations.

Sometimes, only others who share the same experiences can truly understand and offer relief through honest discussion and practical solutions.

What is the Circle of Sisters Group?

The Circle of Sisters is a group of women who come together to check in with each other and offer a listening ear and a willing hand to anyone in need of support.


We also focus on helping make this a better place through volunteering, learning and giving. Some of our most recent events included volunteering at FEEDING NE FLORIDA, touring and donating to RETHREADED and taking the St. Johns Riverkeeper's tour on the river taxi while learning about our precious resource, water.


Please join us!


What is the St. George Brothers Group?


Men's Prayer, Share & Encouragement


The plan is to meet every 3rd Thursday of the month.


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