Worship at Saint George
There is no other place on earth like our sanctuary. It truly is heaven on earth to me. I can walk into St. George and feel like I found what I’ve been missing. Whether it’s a Sunday morning or going in there when no one else is around - which I highly recommend for quiet prayer time or for just sitting to collect your thoughts. You can truly feel the presence of God in this place.
Worship at St. George’s is so important to me. It really completes me! On the weeks that I’m out of town and can’t make it, I truly yearn for the next time that I can be back with my church family. All of you make up such an important dynamic, that even one person out of the picture makes the experience different.
You can probably tell that I love to be up on the altar. It is the best seat in the house!! I would recommend to anyone who has ever had an interest in serving on a Sunday morning to sign up as a worship assistant. You don’t have to be intimidated by the setting; there is always someone there to help you. There is no wrong way to do any job on a Sunday morning if you are there to serve God!
With Love and Peace,
Patricia Arck
Saint George Verger